Saturday, August 16, 2014

Creamy Salsa Verde!

One of the things I miss the most from Texas is the incredible Mexican food.  Do you know how hard it is the get a good salsa verde outside of South Texas?! Either way, we got a bunch of tomatillos from the CSA this week and made an awesome salsa verde!

10-12 Variously sized tomatillos cut in half
1 Jalapeno diced 
1/2 Large onion diced
3 Cloves garlic
1 Avocado
1 Tbsp Olive oil
Salt to taste

Add the tomatillos, jalapeno (seeded to taste), onion, garlic, oil and salt to a large sized ziplock bag and shake.  Lay everything in a single layer on a baking sheet and cook until soft (~20 mins at 350F). Take everything and add to a food processor with the avocado.  Blend until smooth.  Traditionally you would chill it before serving, but we had to try it and it was delicious even hot hahaha.  My only regret is the chips we ate it with werent salty enough :) This makes a TON of salsa.  Probably around 4-5 cups.

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