Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Workout 7/28/14

One of my biggest flaws in the workout realm (but trust me, there are many) is that I have a really hard time sticking to a particular program for more than, say, a month.  P90x is probably the only thing I've managed to stick with (90 days).  I did pretty well with cross-fit style workouts last year when we had a large group of friends working out together, but everyone had to go and get injured or move away on me. It also different everyday, so that definitely helped. I quit insanity after about 3 weeks (of hell) and am constantly trying to mix it up to avoid boredom.  I know programming is one of the most important things in terms of seeing results but I figure if I get bored I'm going to stop, so as long as I kill myself every day I'll see something, and something is better than quitting.

Right now most of my focus is training for the sprint triathlon I have on Sunday.  The problem with triathlons is you have to do a lot of cardio workouts, and I hate cardio.  SO I've basically spent the entire time trying to avoid cardio while Josh and Knute chased me around yelling at me.  Regardless, I figured 6 days before was a good time to get in the pool (and was forced to bike by josh).  I refuse to not life (because it's my favorite), so I did some of that too.  Josh recently listened to an audiobook about working out, so we have been trying to follow this guys method and training for a little bit.  I think im on week 4 now (big deal, I know) and have definitely seen some gains in strength.  Either way, it was the last day of the cycle (which I'll explain below). So here's what I did:


Swim - 25 minutes:
2 warm up laps
25 mins uninterrupted free-style swimming (I swam 1,100m for reference, i.e. 21 laps)
2 cool down laps

Bicep Curls - 45lbs (bar), 8-10 reps (x3)
Tricep Extensions - 15lbs (dumbbell), 8-10 reps (x3)
Forearm Curls - 10lbs (dumbbell), 8-10 reps (x3)
*I did the same thing as in the video, just with dumbbells alternating arms
Tricep Pulldowns - weight #7 on the machine, 8-10 reps (x3)
*I used a straight bar, but it doesn't matter. This guy's a lot nicer to look at than mutant forearm curl man huh?

*weights are reflective of what I used. The goal should be to use the heaviest weight so you can get out these 8-10 reps, but your last rep should be almost impossible.

Spin - 15 minutes:
The first ~5 miles of my bike is uphill so I have been training with a lot of constant hills (resistance on a spin bike).  I biked as long as Josh did his ab workout, so the time was relatively arbitrary.  

Admittedly, that was a weird workout.  Not near the normal, but good nonetheless. As for this program we are doing, if goes like this:

Day 1 - Legs and abs
Day 2 - Chest
Day 3 - Back and abs
Day 4 - Off
Day 5 - Shoulders
Day 6 - Arms and abs
Day 7 - Off

I usually workout 6 days a week, so I have just been doing cardio or abs on one of the off days (or something as simple as just riding my bike to school).  

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