Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Workout 7/29/14

Leg day....ugh.....

Here is it:

Spinning: 25 mins, intervals at about 80% intensity

Stretch  (5-10 mins depending on what you need)!

Leg workout:

I did three rotations of the below for time

Wall balls with 8lb ball, 15x
(normally I would use 20, but I'm working with a heel injury at the moment)
Single leg wall sits, 1 min total switching every 10 seconds
*note combine "tippy toe" video with "walking lunge" video
Burpees, 12x

Finished in 15:27 (with one break that was entirely too long). 

Stretch (same as above stretch)

Workout 7/28/14

One of my biggest flaws in the workout realm (but trust me, there are many) is that I have a really hard time sticking to a particular program for more than, say, a month.  P90x is probably the only thing I've managed to stick with (90 days).  I did pretty well with cross-fit style workouts last year when we had a large group of friends working out together, but everyone had to go and get injured or move away on me. It also different everyday, so that definitely helped. I quit insanity after about 3 weeks (of hell) and am constantly trying to mix it up to avoid boredom.  I know programming is one of the most important things in terms of seeing results but I figure if I get bored I'm going to stop, so as long as I kill myself every day I'll see something, and something is better than quitting.

Right now most of my focus is training for the sprint triathlon I have on Sunday.  The problem with triathlons is you have to do a lot of cardio workouts, and I hate cardio.  SO I've basically spent the entire time trying to avoid cardio while Josh and Knute chased me around yelling at me.  Regardless, I figured 6 days before was a good time to get in the pool (and was forced to bike by josh).  I refuse to not life (because it's my favorite), so I did some of that too.  Josh recently listened to an audiobook about working out, so we have been trying to follow this guys method and training for a little bit.  I think im on week 4 now (big deal, I know) and have definitely seen some gains in strength.  Either way, it was the last day of the cycle (which I'll explain below). So here's what I did:


Swim - 25 minutes:
2 warm up laps
25 mins uninterrupted free-style swimming (I swam 1,100m for reference, i.e. 21 laps)
2 cool down laps

Bicep Curls - 45lbs (bar), 8-10 reps (x3)
Tricep Extensions - 15lbs (dumbbell), 8-10 reps (x3)
Forearm Curls - 10lbs (dumbbell), 8-10 reps (x3)
*I did the same thing as in the video, just with dumbbells alternating arms
Tricep Pulldowns - weight #7 on the machine, 8-10 reps (x3)
*I used a straight bar, but it doesn't matter. This guy's a lot nicer to look at than mutant forearm curl man huh?

*weights are reflective of what I used. The goal should be to use the heaviest weight so you can get out these 8-10 reps, but your last rep should be almost impossible.

Spin - 15 minutes:
The first ~5 miles of my bike is uphill so I have been training with a lot of constant hills (resistance on a spin bike).  I biked as long as Josh did his ab workout, so the time was relatively arbitrary.  

Admittedly, that was a weird workout.  Not near the normal, but good nonetheless. As for this program we are doing, if goes like this:

Day 1 - Legs and abs
Day 2 - Chest
Day 3 - Back and abs
Day 4 - Off
Day 5 - Shoulders
Day 6 - Arms and abs
Day 7 - Off

I usually workout 6 days a week, so I have just been doing cardio or abs on one of the off days (or something as simple as just riding my bike to school).  

A Day in the Life

Many people in my life ask me what I eat on a daily basis.  My eating habits are pretty good, of course I slip every now and then because I'm human, but they didn't happen over night. I've been conscious of what I put into my body for well over ten years now. I'd say they have been the most refined in the last 2-3 years, but like anything that is worth doing, they are a constant work in progress.  Although most of my posts will be individual meals I eat, I'll post daily menus every once in a while so you can get an idea of my days as a whole. I will also preface these posts by saying I've been having a really hard time staying on track these last few weeks with eating well all day long. It's so hard to not eat all the food when I get home from work! Also, I've been intaking a few more calories and carbs than I usually would because I have my first triathlon coming up on Sunday, woohoo!! Anyway, here it is:


I usually try to stay away from large amounts of dairy at any one sitting because it tends to mess with my stomach.  I've done a bunch of "exclusion" diets over the years to try to get a better idea of what works for my system and what doesnt, dairy is in the "doesn't" column. BUT I've been really in the mood for yogurt recently, so this week I decided that was going to be my breakfast.  I usually go for the non-fat (one of the only times I will get something this processed), organic plain yogurt by Stonyfield.  It's delicious and reasonably priced for organic yogurt (usually $2.99-$3.49), but I went with non-fat plain greek yogurt this week for the extra calories and protein (triathlon, serious workouts). I try to get as many fruits, veggies and other good things for you into my breakfasts, I feel like it's a good way to start the day, so this is how it went: 

The supplies:

Oops, forgot the cereal

So whats the most important part of a healthy lifestyle and/or losing weight? In my opinion, it's portion control.  With that being said, MEASURE YOUR FOOD PEOPLE. It's key to everything.  A giant pain in the ass? Yes. Are you constantly washing measuring equipment? Yes.  But buy two sets of everything and get over it.  Most of the time things can just be rinsed out anyway.  Ok so here's what went into my yogurt:

1 cup non-fat plain greek yogurt
1/4 cup crispy cocoa rice
1/2 blueberries
1/2 strawberries
1 tbsp ground flax seed 
*If the fruit and cereal aren't enough sugar for you, add 1 tsp honey, but i didn't use it here. The honey pictured about was used as a sweetener for my coffee. I take it black with 1 tsp of honey (again, real food, no processed sugars or artificial sweeteners)

What did it look like? Deliciousness.  Looks like a bowl of mess, but pretty darn tasty looking when it's mixed up. Even Zoox was begging for a bite (which he didn't get). Approximately 355 calories.


Just ate it and it was delicious. Excellent concoction if you ask me. Josh and I joined a CSA (http://thornapplecsa.com/) this year so we have  A LOT of veggies we have to be creative with.  It's supposed to be enough for a family of four for a week! Anyway, here ya go: 

2 slices of any kind of whole grain bread (the above is flax and fiber bread from Kroger)
About 1/2 of a cumcumber, sliced (the above are some kind of white cucumber species)
1 "slice" original swiss laughing cow cheese (stray from my usual "real foods")
1/4 small avocado
Handful of fresh basil
2-3 pieces lettuce of choice 

Directions are pretty simple, toast the bread, put it all together, BAM. 

Deliciousness coming in at approximately 405 calories

Alright everyone, in the words of the ever genius Tony Horton, drink your water people!!! Besides coffee, and the occasional beer, all I drink is water.  At this point in the day (1pm) I've had 5 glasses of water (1 glass = 8oz).  This is pretty typical, but some days it's less and others more. I have an original nalgene bottle that I use to drink water in at my desk. It holds about 4.5 glasses of water in it.  Drinking lots of water is good for your skin, hair, organs, LIFE. So do it. Plus it makes you get off your butt and walk to the water cooler (and bathroom 8,000 times a day if you're like me).  Although I've read that it's not good to drink while you are eating (it dilutes your digestive enzymes and decreases optimal digestion and uptake of vitamins and nutrients!!), it's good to drink at least 8oz of water 30 mins before you are going to eat.  A lot of the times I think I'm hungry when I am just thirsty.  If I drink a bunch of water before I eat I end up hydrating, find that I'm not actually that hungry, and over eat less often! 


I usually leave work at 5 and go straight to the gym so there's no way I cant eat before I workout.  My snacks alternate, but nine times out of ten I eat a clif bar. On the menu today is a crunchy peanut butter bar coming in at 250 calories. I say every week that I'm going to make my own protein bars to decrease sugars and preservatives but I've only gotten around to it once..... oops.  I usually eat this between 3 and 5 depending on (1) how hungry I am from lunch, (2) what time I'm planning to workout because I like to give myself an hour to digest and (3) how busy I was in the afternoon!
UPDATE: So I had quite a few snacks today. In addition to the bar I had some peanuts (~100 calories worth) and this crazy korean rice snack I got from the asian market (buying supplies for some spring rolls coming soon....). They were lightly sweetened rice puffs basically, but they were chewy. It was strange.  The entire package was 110 calories but Josh had a few, so I say I ate about 90 calories worth.

After the gym I usually have a protein shake (1 cup unsweetened plain almond milk and 1 scoop protein powder, 160 calories), today I know I did a little damage with the snack so I has it with water so save a little. Finally, I had some frozen watermelon after dinner, technically a snack (50 calories)


I didn't get the chance to actually make myself dinner until around 9 :( so needless to day it was nothing spectacular, but it was tasty

2 large eggs
1/2 cup mushrooms
1/2 cup yellow squash
2 full leaves dinosaur kale
5-6 fresh basil leaves
1/2 oz blue cheese
1 tsp olive oil
Garlic salt to taste

I sauteed the hard veggies in the oil and garlic salt, when they were about done I added the basil and kale (which I ripped into smaller pieces) and covered for 1 min or so to "steam" then I added the eggs.  I usually let that cook for a little bit until the eggs are just about cooked through.  Then I added the blue cheese and mixed everything together.  It's supposed to be scrambled eggs of sorts but in all honesty I don't like to make another dish by scrambling the eggs in a bowl/cup so I do it in the pan.  I like the break the yolks at the last minute because I get some less cooked yolk and it's delicious. For being so last minute (and low calorie, ~250), I enjoyed it, and I'd say someone else really wanted a chance to as well....

So that's it, for the most part.  I drank about 10 glasses of water (80 oz). I would like to have drank more but that's the daily recommended intake for women so I'm ok with that. Plus the watermelon helps with hydration. My total calorie intake comes in around 1,631 and adjusted with the ~398 calories I burned during my workout, I netted approximately 1,233.  Not too shabby.  I usually aim for 1,200-1,300 if I'm trying to actively lose weight, but with the tri coming up I'm not too concerned! WOD (workout of the day) post to come soon.....

Monday, July 28, 2014

The squashburglar!

We got home from the gym around 7:30 and I was absolutely starving. There was no way I was cooking anything extravagant so this is what it ended up being:

4 oz 20% fat ground beef
1 tomato
1 yellow summer squash
4 pieces dinosaur kale 
A little less than 1 oz crumbled blue cheese 
1 cheddar hamburger bun
Franks red hot sauce 
Heinz ketchup 
1 teaspoon coconut oil 
2 tsp Worcestershire sauce 
Garlic salt
Ground red pepper 

How to get it done: so the ingredients are for one burger, we made 4 originally, but I'll explain it for one serving. First, take the raw meat and mix it with the worcestershire sauce, hot sauce and garlic salt to taste. Form patties. Slice the squash into two slices and sauté with coconut oil, garlic salt and red pepper over a medium-high heat. When it is just about done (soft inside but crisp outside), put the buns in the toaster oven on medium and put the meat on the same pan. Cook burgers 3-5 minutes each side depending on your preference (OR based on your primal instincts, according to josh). Add the kale (separated from the stalks) to the pan to sauté it about 2 mins and add the blue cheese on top of the burger to melt. When the burger is done, layer ingredients on the bun and add some hot sauce and ketchup. Voila, deliciousness! 

Of course this could have been way healthier.  Use ground turkey instead of beef, or use a leaner ground beef.  The meat was left over from a BBQ we had a ways back though, so I took what I could get.  I'm also a big proponent of eating real food, so no low fat cheese or bread for this gal. But according to my estimations, and a little help from MyFitnessPal, this burger was 581 calories. A little out of my typical calorie meal range, but hell, it was delicious and I had a good workout!

PS: We had frozen watermelon for dessert and it was awesome.